" Hey! have you read my status msg today? " is the most asked question among friends these days. Why is this so important? Everybody want to stay noticed among their friend circle. Everybody wants attention through their one liners. These one liners are the new attraction among the groups. And the whoever writes the best one is been showered through long array of comments string. Nowadays, it is also very important to have long strings of comments either on a status line or on a photograph or any other posted material.
Finally, what matters is being popular among your own circle of friends. Status messages also reflects the creativity of the person. People search for unique and interesting one liners on internet for hours and give lots of efforts in creating their own status lines.
Due to this craze, the famous quotes have become popular. Even the unfamiliar quotes by famous poets and writers are now known through these status updates. In a small but significant proportion, the familiarity of the quotes promotes the Literature and their writers. We also find the sense of ethical responsibility among people when they update their status liners along with giving due recognition and respect to the source, i.e the authors or poets or writers.. I like it the most when someone writes some quote and at the end finishes it with the name of the original source. Is'nt it great to remember all those great persons whose work is guiding millions of life?
So have you read my status update? Check out on FB.. Konnect with me on twitter.. Or if you liked this post, simply share it..
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